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Firefox 3 New Features

at Saturday, June 21, 2008 | Labels: , ,

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The new Firefox 3 was released with significant improvements. The current version is ver3.0. Bravo for the Mozilla Foundation. Please if you haven't download, please download it now!!!
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Firefox version 3.0

Microsoft will be coming out with internet explorer (IE) soon. The Beta version is already available here on Microsoft's website.

Here are some of the noticeable new features of firefox:

+New Style

Firefox has a new navigation toolbar which feels much better and comfortable.

This is the old dull looking navigation toolbar.

+Smart Location Bar
The new location bar enables users to relate connecting keywords to the user's internet history or related websites.

+Smart Bookmarks
This feature enables the smart button be pressed and "wahla", the bookmark window appears. Click "done" to bookmark.

+Improved Security

This feature tells you how secure the site is.

+Additional Add-ons
After using firefox for the pass few years, this is the first time firefox comes with integrated plugins. I'm glad that the Windows Media Player Plugin is included. In older versions of firefox, windows media player plugin needed to be donwnloaded externally which took me some time to find.

+Save and Quit Function
Firefox allows you to save web pages that you have last visited before quitting. The next time you run firefox, the web pages will be automically loaded.

+Zoom Function
This feature includes zoon in and zoom out. The Zoom In can be activated by holding down the "Crtl" button and pressing the "+" button. The opposite goes to the Zoom Out function by holding down the "Crtl" button and pressing the "-" button. This feature was not included in the previous version of firefox but on through downloading an extension for the function. Internet Explorer had this function included in their IE 7.

+Search function in Download Manager
Enables firefox users to search through their downloads by keywords.

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